fredag 13 mars 2009

Byta familj?

Villekillen har deklarerat gång på gång hela dagen, ända sen imorse, att han inte älskar mamman så mycket längre. Han älskar Kicki, och vill vara hennes son. Han älskar även Maja, Elias, Hampus och Niklas, men inte pappan och Saga. Alltså passar det mycket bättre om han är Kickis son än mammans.

Mamman har försökt ta reda på om det i själva verket är flingpakets-ljussvärdet och "filmen med han som dödar alla stora spindlar" som finns hemma hos Maja, som Ville älskar, men det är lite svårt att få veta det precis. Han vill gå hem till Maja NU, iallafall.

Ville has declared over and over today that he does not love the Mommy so very much any longer. He loves Kicki, and wants to ber her son. He loves Maja, Elias, Hampus and Niklas too, but not the Daddy or Saga. So it would be so much better if he was Kicki's son than the Mommy's.

The Mommy has tried to find out if it is the light saber from the cereal box and the movie about the guy who can kill really big spiders, that Maja has, that Ville loves, but it is a little hard to know. He wants to go over to Maja's NOW, anyhow.

2 kommentarer:

Martineau Family sa...

I am proud to tell you I understood perfectly your whole first paragraph and most of the last in SWEDISH! The "lightsaber" part threw me a little however! I hope it all turns out well and that Ville will give you another chance. LOL

Villeosagamamman sa...

I am very proud too that you got it! Good girl!

Well, as it turns out, Samuel bought the right kind of cereal on his way home from work, and Ville got his own lightsaber. A little after that he loved us all again. :)