söndag 18 oktober 2009

Kom ut nu då!

Nån gång i början på veckan blir mamman igångsatt. Snart är den långa väntan slut. Så här kommer några sista Gulla med magen-bilder på en förväntansfull blivande storasyster och storebror.





Some time in the beginning of this week the labour will be induced. Soon the long wait is over. Here are some last cuddling the tummy-pics of a very expectant big sister- and big brother-to-be.
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2 kommentarer:

The Mathews Family sa...

Oh such a sentimental time for your family! Before we went to the hospital on the morning that Milo was born the girls came into our bed really early to snuggle. I had a hard time pulling myself out of bed knowing that this was the last time that our family was going to be "that way". We're all so he's here, though.

GOOD LUCK! I am so excited to find out what you are having. Keep us posted. We love you!

malmfamily sa...

today is the 24th! Hopefully I'm writing to a mother-of-three!!! Congrats and I hope all went well!